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About Us

The Saint Ferdinand Catholic Community is dedicated to our patron
Saint Ferdinand of Castile (c. 1199 -1252). A wise ruler and an
excellent administrator. Saint Ferdinand became the king of Castile at
the age of 18, and then, after the death of his father, assumed the
kingship of Laon, where he governed for 35 years. He died on May 30
and was buried in the habit of a friar minor at the Cathedral of Seville.

He was canonized in 1671.



During his life, Saint Ferdinand lead and defended his people, built up the Church, and achieved peace among various factions. His life and work serves as a daily reminder to us to be united with one another in building up the Kingdom of God here on the northwest side of Chicago.

Saint Ferdinand is the patron saint of soldiers.



At the conclusion of our parish's 75th Anniversary, a statue of our
patron was commissioned and dedicated. The Saint Ferdinand Statue
and Garden are located on Mason Avenue at the northwest side of our

parish property.


St. Ferdinand is made up of numerous ethnic groups, each with its own unique culture and traditions. We believe diversity should be celebrated by highlighting each group and its own special identity.


Over the years we have been able to provide a growing number of activities and programs to celebrate both the diversity of our parish
families and the unity in our faith. Currently, we celebrate eight Masses 
each weekend in two languages - English and Polish.

Our Priests

Fr. Peter Gnoinski


Fr. Stan Tabor

Associate Pastor


Fr. Marek Duran

Weekend Helper

Our Deacons

Deacon William Burns

RCIA / Liturgy of the Word for Children

Deacon Jaime Rios

Bible Study in Spanish

Missionary Sisters of Christ the King

Sr. Agnes Michna



Children Ministry

Sr. Boguslawa Bladek



Office Staff

Margaret Brumann

Operations Director

773.622.5900 ext. 238

Br. Dr. James Drangsholt

Director of Music & English Liturgy

773.622.5900 ext. 247

Grażyna Letkiewicz


Sophia Kass

Sacramental records

Wednesday Secretary 

773.622.5900 ext. 222

St. Ferdinand Church

tel: 773 622 5900 

fax: 773 622 5903


5900 W. Barry Ave.

Chicago, IL 60634

©2023 by St. Ferdinand Church.

Created by Fr. Lukasz Pyka

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