Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass and other liturgies. They are responsible for maintaining a smooth flow of the liturgy by making sure that all that is needed for the celebration of the liturgy is available. The Altar Servers provide an invaluable service to the worshiping community.
Altar Servers are recruited from St. Ferdinand School, the Religious Education Program and, for the Polish liturgies, from the Polish Catholic Saturday School beginning at the end of 3rd grade.
The lector is entrusted with the crucial task of proclaiming the Word of God at Mass.
Good public speaking is an art that requires training and practice. These skills include effective use of a microphone, careful enunciation, proper posture and movement. The lector must have the ability to convey human emotions vocally, to gain and keep the attention of the people listening, and the capability to convey enthusiasm as he/she proclaims the Word of God.
Training takes place at St. Ferdinand. Anyone interested in becoming a lector should call the Parish Office and leave their name and phone number with the secretary. You will be contacted by the coordinator of lectors for the English Masses or the coordinator of lectors for the Polish Masses.

Ministers of Eucharist
The primary responsibility of the Minister of the Eucharist is to assist the priest at all the Masses in distributing Holy Communion to the assembly.
Ministers of the Eucharist must be at least 18 years of age, must be fully initiated and practicing Roman Catholics, must be approved by the parish staff, and then receive training at St. Ferdinand.
Anyone interested in learning more about ministers of the Eucharist should contact the Parish Office and leave their name and phone number with the secretary. You will be contacted by the coordinator for the English speaking or Polish speaking Ministers of the Eucharist at Mass.
The Ushers welcome people attending Mass and other religious services. They help in seating, provide assistance when and where needed, take up the collection, and direct the Communion procession. The Ushers assist at other parish functions as needed.
Business/Social/Fellowship meetings are held monthly. Meeting dates, times and location are always announced in the parish bulletin; generally, the monthly meeting is at 8:00 p.m. on the second Friday of each month in Heeney Hall.
Anyone interested in becoming an Usher or joining the Men's Club should leave a message at the Parish Office, or attend one of the monthly meetings. Women are welcome to join in this ministry.